Change FQDN


Im replacing our old mailserver.
Lets say the old mailservers name is, and i’ve already installed a Blue Mind server with FQDM
If i just:

  • Change the linux servers name
  • Point DNS to the new ip for
  • Add a new application server ( and same ip as the old one) with all services enabled under Central administration > System Management > Application’s servers
  • Delete the old application server (

Will it work? Is everything changed then?
I dont want to mess with it without being 100% confident about the process. Need to know exactly how to do it when we switch the servers.

Best regards

No this won’t work.

If you change only FQDN, and not server IP, you must do:
]stop Blue Mind services: bmctl stop/]
]edit external-url in /etc/bm/bm_conf.ini and put new FQDN/]
*]go to directory /etc/nginx/sites-available and run sed -i -e ‘s/<old_fqdn>/<new_fqdn>/’ bm-**/]
]run: postconf -e myhostname=<new_fqdn>/]
]if use auto-generate SSL cert, run: /usr/share/bm-ca/ <new_fqdn>/]
]start Blue Mind services: bmctl start/]

We plan to add FQDN modification support from administration console.


This info is extremly helpful!