Change SSL cert


Is there any tools to change SSL certificate?

Can i use one single cert for https, imaps and pop3s?

Best regards

You can deploy your own SSL certificate using command line tool as describe there.


Embarrassing for me that i failed reading the existing documentation :slight_smile:
But youre always so quick with the answers, its convenient to ask the forum.

That link posted by @Toony doesn’t work anymore.

You can change the configuration used to create the SSL certs on installation.

First extract the installer, one way is to supply the --target option with a path to extract to and then simply saying N at the continue prompt.

$ ./bluemind-installer-precise.bin --target bluemind-installer-precise

The packages are located in a folder called bluemind-pkgs and we need to extract the package bm-ca to change the configuration files ca.cnf and cert.cnf.template which are both located in the /usr/share/bm-ca folder.

Change the following lines to your particulars

O=Blue Mind
OU=Blue Mind

You can leave the CN=XXXXXXXXXX in cert.cnf.template this is filled by the external-url variable from bm.ini but you can change the domain part for your CA in ca.cnf.

To extract a package use the command:

$ dpkg-deb -R package-name.deb extract-folder

To change the external-url variable we need to update two packages,
]first is the external-url variable from bm.ini in the bm-installation-wizard package located at /usr/share/bm-installation-wizard/WEB-INF/classes/bmConf/bm.ini and the /]
]second update is the BM_EXTERNALURL variable from the postinst (post installation) script of the bm-cert package located at /DEBIAN/postinst/]

To repackage the extracted folders use the following command

$ dpkg-deb -b extract-folder package-name.deb

We also need to update the repository meta information (located in Packages.gz) because our packages have likely changed size now.
To update the packages use the following command.

$ dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz

All set now you can run the installation from the extracted installation folder with

$ ./installer/

And the certificates will all be labeled accordingly. =)


We don’t recommend to modify default local CA. You may use your own or buy certificate from official CA.

I update dead link in this thread, documentation has moved to our new tool.