Cyrus Replication is getting too big!

Hi everyone,

Help please. My Bluemind has been running for 2 years like a charm. I have about 430Go mailboxes (/var/spool/cyrus/data)
But surprisingly, the folder /var/spool/bm-cyrus-replication grew quite fast, without explanation - 357Go.
The manual warns about a possible high load of that kind, but recommends leaving 25% of /var/spoo/cyrus/data for /var/spool/bm-cyrus-replication. But it is much higher now, and still growing (1 085 771 files …) .

Who can help me please? Is this replication folder useful ?

Thank you so much for your help!!


Which is your BlueMind version ?


On Debian 9

Thank you

You must upgrade to the latest version.

In the meantime, you can stop bm-cyrus-imapd and ensure than sync_client are stopped too, remove /var/spool/bm-cyrus-replication content, then start bm-cyrus-imapd.

thank you very much

no explanation, but at least, it solved my storage issue…

It’s an old bug that let some temporary files in /var/spool/bm-cyrus-replication.

Thank you …
Too heavy to upgrade for now Im afraid, I use a free version with 75 mail accounts for a small architecture company. Upgrading would mean rebuilding the whole thing …
thx again for your help