BlueMind 3.5.5-2 actually replaces BlueMind 3.5.5, bringing the following changes:
- BM-11707 Fix: wait for core to be ready before launching upgrade
- BM-11688 Fix: set BMPRIVACY = true for kerberos authentication
- UDL-147 Fix: postfix service unavailable after upgrade
- BM-11710 Fix: prevent LDAP connection leaks
- UDL-143 Fix: ensure cookies are enabled to open BlueMind tabs in Thunderbird
- POPIT-79 Fix: need to initialize folderhierarchy prior to creating the mbox
- COM-3 Fix: handle missing GlobalAppointmentId property in exchange migration
- GLAG-171 Fix: Outlook appointment recurrence exception
- COAX-377 Fix: error converting Outlook contact urls
- Fix: prevent setting invalid alarm in Outlook
- COAX-376: Outlook event display error
- UDL-151 Imp: use default domain for Thunderbird authentication
- BM-11755 Fix: export all vcards from contact webapp
- FEATBL-145 Imp: api to move mailbox data between ElasticSearch indexes
- BM-11758 Feat: API to retrieve public information
- Fix: gracefully stop tika on RedHat
We wish you a pleasant install/upgrade!