Mail Filters are not functional

We are extremely disappointed with the current mail filters, for the following reasons:

  1. You can not create filters with OR conditions. Meaning, all the conditions one adds are AND, i.e. Sender is x AND Header is y. This means, if one would like to make a filter for 30 spam senders, one would have to create 30 different filters.
  2. It is not possible to import or export these filters, nor is it possible to see the code behind them. This makes the filters not portable and only modifiable over the graphical interface. If for some reason you can’t access the graphical interface, you can not manage filters.
  3. If you have 200 filters, and want to move the last filter to the first position, you have to do 40 clicks. 20x move to top + 20x previous page.
  4. The new filter backend is unstable: one of our users created a test filter, then deleted it shortly after, and the filter is still running now, 3 days later. We can not find it, we can not remove it. All incoming E-Mails are being redirected to another folder and we can not stop it.

Why did you go away from Sieve? They were perfect.