Smarthost relay and ActiveSync limit

I am planning on using Bluemind for me and family.
During the progress of setting it up and evaluating it, I have two questions:
Is it possible to set a smarthost to relay all outgoing mails?
I’ve seen the option “relay” in “system management” under “Mail” but found no place to set credentials.
Since Bluemind uses postfix, I assume it should be possible to adjust the
Is that a good idea or will it for example get overwriten by something frequently?
I read in the documentation, that EAS sync is limited to the last 30 days for iOS.
Is it possible to change that value to something higher or to all available mails?
I would need the whole inbox available on the go.
Thanks for helping
Kind regards

Hi Sebastian,
To ensure BlueMind fits your need, you should install and try it !

You can set values directly in postfix configuration. See: Updating BlueMind | BlueMind doc

I don’t know where you read the EAS sync is limited to 30 days. You can define the range in your phone configuration. Synchronizing with iOS | BlueMind doc
You should be able to sync the whole inbox folder.


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Hello Pierre,
thank you for your reply.

Thanks for pointing out the postfix config. I sadly didn’t find it myself.
So I now know where to configure it and how it works.

Regarding the EAS limit. I found this here in French.
„Pour des raisons de performances, la synchronisation des messages est limitée aux 30 derniers jours, même dans le cas où l’option “tout synchroniser” est sélectionnée sur l’appareil.“
Doesn’t it apply anymore or did I maybe misinterpreted it?


Hi Sebastian,

We have a bug in our translation (still in french) and also an error in it : if you configure as wished, there is no restriction to 30 days. The limitation is not true anymore.


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