[Solved] bm-cyrus-imapd 2.4 is not in the bm.repo

I allways get this error:

--> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: bm-cyrus-2.1.11576-0.x86_64 (bm) Requires: bm-cyrus-imapd >= 2.4 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

there is a 2.1 but not the required 2.4

Has anyone got Blue Mind 3.0 working on CentOS 6?

3.0.1 released a few minutes ago has a bunch of fixes for centos install.

thx, i’ll try it :wink:
I got the Postinstall interface to work with yum install bm-* --skip-broken

Can’t find the link to 3.0.1.
the bins in both directories look equal:


Link for the last 3.0 BlueMind version is always: http://pkg.blue-mind.net/3/rhel6/install/