[SOLVED]Default password


I installed BlueMind 3.0 on wheezy

Everything is good but i’dont have the default password.

I setup the installation twice and i don’t have the password setup administrator step ?

How can in change passwords admin ?

Thank you !

It seems that your installation fail. Default password were displayed on the last screen on installation success.

Do you get an error ? Is ther something in /var/log/bm-tomcat/bm-java.log.


There is no errors and nothing in the logs

I have juste in the last page :

[code] Blue Mind is up to date
Useful links

Blue Mind Application
Administration Console


There is no Login/Password

I working in KVM environnement with Debian Wheezy


I made a new freshinstall. It works

I think the issue is because i’m in private LAN/NAT configuration, so i have to bind to port 2343 for each step.

thank you for your help