[Solved] How can I login in ?


hi,when I access this page, how can I login in ?


It was written on the final installation page, if install goes normaly.
However, on the global domain, you can login with «admin0@global.virt» as login and «admin» as password.



According to what you said,the installation should be failed ,I didn’t see the final installation page
but if installation failed,how can I reinstall ? I mean When I visit setup wizard page (https//[ip_de_votre_serveur]/setup) , it needs loginName and password , if the input is not correct ,I got this error

403 Forbidden


To try a new installation, you need to remove existing database:

# su - postgres
$ dropdb bj

Then change setup password:

# htpasswd -b /etc/nginx/sw.htpasswd admin admin

After that you can connect to /setup URL using login admin, password admin and do a new installation.

Failure during installation is freak, tell us if you encountered this again…